2019 ACME 10.0.0

2019 ACME 10.0.0

10.0.0 Product Release

Production Release Date: Wednesday, July 10, 2019, Beginning at 6:30 pm PDT

Platforms: B2B, B2C, AC, POS, Salesforce

Release Type: Major

Downtime: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 beginning at 6:30 pm PDT, for up to 2 hours

Environments for Testing: Sand 10 (code update on 6/25), POS-Sandbox 10.0.0

Applications to be end-of-lifed: ACME Sales 9.0 and older



  • Data retention policy
    • ACME is implementing a new data retention policy and will be retaining audit trail data up to 18 months for event templates and forms. Audit trail data older than 18 months will be purged. This is being done in order to optimize our databases and storage methodology. 

  • Auto-refresh Export Executions & Progress Indicator
    • With this enhancement, a progress indicator will display at the top of the Export execution screen with a spinning icon while an Export is in progress. When the Export completes, the Export file download link will automatically display on the page without the user having to click the 'Refresh' button.

Apple Certificate

  • Update POS & AC to a new certificate
    • We updated the Apple iOS certificates for the ACME Sales POS and Access Control applications to keep them running on iOS devices. We do this to stay in compliance with Apple development requirements.

Access Control (AC)

  • Usability improvements to membership scanning
    We have made some usability improvements to the Access Control membership scanning experience.
    1. Added help text in the back office Administration setting for Access Control to help clarify what will happen when "Detailed membership scanning" is enabled.
    2. Updated Access Control scan results to include the following:
      • Name of Membership level / offering
      • Standing of Membership & expiration date
      • Name of Cardholder
      • Standing of Cardholder & expiration date
      • Cardholder type: primary, secondary

  • Display date and time of last scan
    • When a ticket is scanned and access is denied because that ticket has already been scanned/checked in, we will now show the last scan date and time. This will allow the Access Control user to inform the visitor and/or make the correct business decision on access into the venue.

Back office (B2B)

  • Include Payment related History in Order Summary/Invoice PDFs
    • Payment history has been added to both the Print Order Summary and Print Invoice PDFs in back office. All payments will display with the date, payment method (e.g. VISA x2940), and amount. If any refund was processed, this will display in the payment section flagged as a "Refund".

  • Ability to customize the intro message of the Order Confirmation email
    You can now customize the salutation and intro message of the Order Confirmation email.
    • Two new Email Variables have been added that support HTML formatting:
      • "email-confirmation-intro-message-1"
      • "email-confirmation-intro-message-2"
    • When not included in the Theme, the message will display as it always has:
      • Salutation: "Hello $billingContact.firstName,"
      • Intro Message: "Thank you for your order from $tenantName!"
    • When customizing, you can use any of the following variables:
      • $tenantName
      • $purchaserName (First and Last name of the billing contact)
      • $orderContact.firstName
      • $orderContact.lastName
      • $billingContact.firstName
      • $billingContact.lastName
    • Example:
      • "email-confirmation-intro-message-1": "Thank you $purchaserName for your order from $tenantName!"
      • "email-confirmation-intro-message-2": "Please present this email at any of the admission windows on the day of your visit."


Back office (B2B)

  • Print Order Summary is showing incorrect date for memberships and add-ons
    • The Print Order Summary will no longer show a Date/Time for Membership and Add-ons. Date/Time will only show for Events as expected.

  • Columns in "Reports" area of B2B not maintaining assigned order
    • When Accessibility mode is set to "Yes" in Back office -> Settings -> My Profile-> Enable Accessibility, all of the grids in back office will now correctly save a user's column order, sort order, and number of results per page. In order to register the save, you will have to click another tab in the left nav. Upon returning to the page with the grid, you will see that your preferences have been saved.

  • Order Request Duplicating Ticket Quantity
    • When saving, the ticket quantity would sometimes double up. This typically happened on slower networks and has been resolved in this release to always save as expected.

  • Issues creating/paying for Orders from Order Requests
    • When attempting to create an Order with a lot of Events from an Order Request, it could fail to process due to performance issues loading the prices for each item. This has been improved so that Orders with numerous Events can successfully be created.

  • Event discounts unexpectedly removed from template
    • We have made some optimizations to back office to prevent membership discounts from getting removed from an event template.

Access Control (AC)

  • Scanner timing out
    • We have improved the performance of scanning a ticket at Access Control, in order to prevent situations where the paired socket scanner was becoming unresponsive after scanning a ticket.

  • "View Order" is not showing on every ticket scan
    • This issue has been resolved to display the "View Order" button for all orders with tickets to check-in. Please note: This applies only to Orders created after AC 10.0.0 is installed. Orders created prior to installing AC 10.0.0 on a device may still at times not show the button.


  • Account category added to integration
    • Account Category will now be sent to Salesforce when editing an Organization in ACME.

Known Bugs

  • New White Label Variables: Order and billing contact are not being properly suppressed in the case when there is no order or billing contact available
    • This bug was discovered in the 10.0 Release. This specific case happens if someone at the POS pays with cash and then requests to have a receipt emailed. This issue will be resolved in the next release (10.1.0). If you do not use the new white label variables, your emails will continue to function as expected, no changes are needed. You can still use the new white label variables before this update occurs if your venue does not use this specific use case. 

Click here to view our Sandbox code and data refresh schedule. 

Click here to view our ACME Application End of Life policy.

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