2019 ACME 10.1.0

2019 ACME 10.1.0

10.1.0 Product Release

Production Release Date: Tuesday, July 23, 2019, Beginning at 6:30 pm PDT

Platforms: B2B, B2C, POS, Import / Export

Release Type: Minor

Downtime: None

Environments for Testing: Sand 10 (code update on 7/16), POS-Sandbox 10.1.0

Applications to be end-of-lifed: none


Point of Sale (POS)

Ability to turn off signature slip and set to only print on demand

You can now reduce usage of receipt paper! The ACME Sales app now has the ability to turn off signature slip printing.

Configure this setting in Configuration › Printer: Receipt.
Similar to the configuration for automatically printing the receipt, you can choose per device whether or not to automatically print the signature slip.

Should you ever need to print the signature slip on demand, you can as well. Look for the pencil icon next to the credit card payment you want to print in both the order summary view after checkout and in order management.

Backoffice (B2B)

  • Print Order Summary / Print Invoice Enhancements
    • Numerous improvements have been made to the "Print Order Summary" and "Print Invoice" PDFs generated from an Order. These include:
      • Layout improvements for alignment and spacing
      • Updated columns with clearer labels
      • Tickets and Add-ons grouped by the related Event 
      • Items sorted within groups from largest subtotal to smallest
      • Ability to hide the quantity for $0 items

  • Ability to customize the intro message of the Event Reschedule email
    This is a continuation from the 10.0.0 release to allow customization of the intro message of the Order Confirmation email.
    You can now customize the salutation and intro message of the Event Reschedule email.
    • Two new Email Variables have been added that support HTML formatting:
      • email-reschedule-intro-message-1 
      • email-reschedule-intro-message-2
    • When not included in the Theme, the message will display as it always has:
      • Salutation: "Hello $puchaserName,"
      • Intro Message: "Your event from $tenantName! has been rescheduled"
    • When customizing, you can use any of the following variables:
      • $tenantName
      • $purchaserName
      • $orderContact.firstName
      • $orderContact.lastName
      • $billingContact.firstName
      • $billingContact.lastName
    • Example:
      • "email-reschedule-intro-message-1": "Hello,"
      • "email-reschedule-intro-message-2": "Your event at $tenantName has been rescheduled. The new event date and time are highlighted below. Please contact us if you have any questions."

  • Other bug fixes and minor improvements


e-Commerce (B2C)

  • Gift memberships and ticket sales
    • We have resolved an issue with online sales when a non-member purchases a gift membership and also adds an event to the same order, member discounts were applied to the event based on the gift membership. Now, gift memberships do not drive any discounts on events, unless a verified member is purchasing the gift membership.

Backoffice (B2B)

  • TicketTypes not populating when "contains" is selected for reporting filter
    • In the Transactions Report when filtering for "TicketTypes contains", all options are now available for selection.

  • Confirmation Emails send, even when selecting 'Do Not Send'
    • This issue has been resolved and no email will be sent when adding a payment to an order and "Do not send" is selected.

  • New email variables do not account for blank values
    • During the 10.0.0 release it was discovered that the new white label variables for the confirmation email (for order and billing contact) are not properly being suppressed in the case when there is no order or billing contact available. For example, when taking a cash payment via POS and sending an email, the Order Contact will not be hidden as expected – it will display as "$orderContact.FirstName". This has been resolved for both the Order Confirmation and Event Reschedule emails, which now support these variables.

  • Corporate Membership Level configuration - issue with "Create 1 Primary Card Holder" field
    • We fixed a bug where the checkmark for "Create 1 Primary Card Holder" within Corporate Membership Levels in Back office, was not displaying the correct state (checked or un-checked) in the user interface, although it was being saved correctly in the database.

Import / Export


  • ImpEx Validation: For Individual Memberships Primary cardholder is required and has only one for each membership
    • When a new membership is imported into Acme, it will now be validated to check that it has 1 primary cardholder and no more. If more than 1 primary cardholder is included on a membership, the following error message will display: "Membership cannot have more than one primary card. The membership was not imported.". If no primary cardholder is included on a membership, the following error will display: "Membership must have one primary card. The membership was not imported.". This validation only impacts the Import tool and will happen when a user clicks the "Validate" button during the Import process.

Known Bugs

  • Print Order Summary / Print Invoice missing External Reference ID if provided in an Order Request
    • This bug was discovered in the 10.1.0 Release. This specific case happens if the External Reference ID field (optional) has a value on Orders from Order Requests. In the Print Order Summary / Print Invoice, the column header will display, but values will not. This causes all columns to be miss-aligned. This issue will be resolved in an upcoming release.
    • If you do not use the External Reference ID field in Order Requests, the columns in Print Order Summary / Print Invoice will display as expected. 

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