2018 ACME 8.5.0

 8.5.0 Product Release

Production Release Date: Tuesday, September 4, 2018, Beginning at 6:30 pm PDT

Platforms: B2B, POS, AC (Access Control)

POS & AC Version: 8.5.0

Release Type: Minor

Downtime: None

Sandbox Environment for Testing: Sand 10 (code update EOD 8/28/2018), POS-Sandbox 8.5.0, AC-Sandbox 8.5.0 


AC: Membership card scanning: Membership card scanning in Access Control has been updated. All types of membership card scanning will now validate the expiration date of the cards. Previously this was only done when using Detailed Membership Scanning.


B2B: Issue rebooking combos: Fixed an issue where a Combo could not be rebooked if Add-ons were included in the Order.

POS: Membership Level & Offering information for a Member - Fixed a display issue on POS, which caused the level and offering to be hidden from search results when all sale channels were turned off in back office.

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