2019 ACME 9.9.0

2019 ACME 9.9.0

9.9.0 Product Release

Production Release Date: Wednesday, May 29, 2019, Beginning at 6:30 pm PDT

Platforms: B2B, B2C, Import/Export, Salesforce

Release Type: Minor

Downtime: None

Environments for Testing: Sand 10 (code update on 5/21/2019)

e-Commerce (B2C)


  • In the cart, the last available ticket is highlighted in red and a confusing message displays when no error exists
    • The cart has been updated to only to show a warning message and red highlight if the available capacity is exceeded. In addition, the message is configurable via a new text variable in the Theme: "event-last-tickets-available". The default message is: "There are not enough tickets available. Please adjust your quantity."
  • Decreasing quantity after limit is exceeded, does not remove warnings
    • We have fixed a bug with the white label, where the entitlements exceeded error message was still appearing above the place order button, even after the user changed the ticket quantity to be within the allowed amount.

Backoffice (B2B)


  • Reports: Transaction report "email like" filter makes the user choose an email from a drop down list, rather than allowing them to input an email
    • In the transactions report, it is now possible to type in any value for the "email like" field. This will now search for the Order Contact Email as expected. In a future release, the same fix will be applied to all other operators for Email.
  • Ticket expiration date not appearing properly on tickets, if text that is chosen to display is based on "event date"

    • The expiration date will now always display correctly on e-tickets, regardless if configured to expire based on purchase date or event date.
  • Discounts are visible after saving template changes, without publishing
    • Membership discounts were being updated on backoffice when an event template was saved with the discounts, even if the template was not published. In the last release this was fixed for white label, and this release fixes it for backoffice. This issue has been resolved. 



  • Add Membership level and Membership Offering to the Export
    • We added two additional fields to the Export: Membership Level and Membership Offering. These two fields will appear at the end of each row in the Export file. By default, the header names are "membership_membershipLevelName" and "membership_membershipOfferingName". These heading names can be changed by updating the Export mapping. Note, before importing the files into Raiser's Edge, the two new fields will need to be added to the Omatic profiles or JMG mappings
  • Add Import mapping to allow designation of an Organization primary contact 
    • The Importer will now allow the user to designate which Organization Contact in the file is the primary contact. The following mapping has been added to the default Raiser’s Edge Import Job mapping.

      "jobId" : 1,
      "tableType" : "organizations.contacts",
      "fieldFrom" : "map['cnrelind_1_0' + #_n2 + '_is_primary']",
      "fieldExpression" : null,
      "fieldTo" : "primary",
      "sequence" : null

      Note, if using a Job other than the default, the above mapping will need to be added. If the field in your Organization csv is different than the above fieldFrom, please update to match what is in your files.

      ACME will take values of “Yes”, “True”, or “Primary” and will mark the contact as the “Primary”. If any other value is in the is_Primary field in the file, then the contact will be marked as a secondary. At least one primary contact is required to import an Organization.



  • Membership orders with add-ons don't update the Membership Lifecycle Action on transaction records
    • A bug existed where selling a ticket and a membership in the same order was not correctly setting the Membership Action field in Salesforce. This has been resolved. 


  • Added mailing address field to integration 
    • We've added the ability for Contacts that were imported with only address information to sync to ACME and create a customer record.
  • Added Campaign to the Visualforce checkout
    • We've added the ability to select a Campaign record on the payment page of the Visualforce flow. This will map to the Primary Campaign field on the Opportunity.

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