2019 ACME 10.2.0
2019 ACME 10.2.0
10.2.0 Product Release
Production Release Date: Tuesday, August 20, 2019, Beginning at 6:30 pm PDT
Platforms: B2B, B2C
Release Type: Minor
Downtime: None
Environments for Testing: Sand 10 (code update on 7/12)
Applications to be end-of-lifed: ACME Sales 9.0
e-Commerce (B2C)
- Add-On descriptions are now appearing for online orders
- Add-on descriptions will now display online similar to descriptions for Tickets. We recommend you review all descriptions enabled for online sales to ensure they are up-to-date and accurate.
Backoffice (B2B)
- Order Request number displays in Event Details when the order originated from an Order Request
- For those using Order Requests, the Event Details page is enhanced to show the Order Request number. The number will display as a link so that you can easily see the associated Order Request.
- Please Note: Events scheduled prior to this fix will not show the Order Request number until after the Order is created.
Backoffice (B2B)
- Reports: DiscountedAmount value is incorrect in Ticket Analytics reports
- The DiscountedAmount now accurately reflects the amount per item in the Ticket Analytics report, when there is an associated discount.
- Transaction data for deferred payment on Organization orders is incorrect
- When an organization order is created and the ticket quantity is reduced prior to the first payment, the Transaction report displayed an inaccurate ticket quantity for the first payment transaction. This has been resolved.
- Please note: To ensure accurate reporting on ticket quantities in a Transactions report, be sure to filter on transactions of type 'sale' (e.g. Sale, RefundSale, etc). Subsequent changes to the order may result in inaccurate ticket quantities for transactions of type 'Payment'.
- Issue changing a contact's household
- We have fixed an issue where moving a contact to a new household in Salesforce was not staying in the newly assigned household.
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