2019 ACME 11.0.1
11.0.1 Hotfix
Production Release Date: Tuesday, October 1, 2019, Beginning at 6:30 pm PDT
Platforms: B2B, B2C, POS, AC
Release Type: Hotfix
Downtime: None
Sandbox Updates
In our ongoing efforts to improve platform security, ACME moved all sandbox environments to the .net domain.
All Production URLs remain unchanged so you do not need to do anything different to access the ACME production environment.
Back office (B2B) & Online Ticketing (B2C)
The only impact is a change to the URL used to access Backoffice and Online Ticketing in the sandbox environments. Login credentials and configurations remain unchanged.
For example:
- Instead of using the current ".com" URLs:
- https://sand10-backoffice.acmeticketing.com/login (Backoffice)
- https://www.sand10-buy.acmeticketing.com/events/{tenantId}/list (Online Ticketing)
- Users will access the sandboxes using the following ".net" URLs:
- https://sand10-backoffice.acmeticketing.net/login (Backoffice)
- https://www.sand10-buy.acmeticketing.net/events/{tenantId}/list (Online Ticketing)
Point of Sale (POS) & Access Control (AC)
The only impact is for sandbox testing. Please download the latest version from the Catalog in order to log into sandbox environments.
Available in the catalog:
- Point of Sale
- POS-Sandbox 11.0.1
- ACME Sales 11.0.1
- Access Control
- AC-Sandbox 11.0.1
- ACME AC 11.0.1
The API endpoints in the sandboxes also changed from https://www.sand10-api.acmeticketing.com to https://www.sand10-api.acmeticketing.net. The previous .com endpoints no longer function in the sandbox environments with the move to the .net domain so please update your integrations accordingly.
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