2018 ACME 8.7.0
2018 ACME 8.7.0
8.7.0 Product Release
Production Release Date: Tuesday, October 23, 2018, Beginning at 6:30 pm PDT
Platforms: B2B, B2C, POS
POS Version: 8.7.0
Release Type: Minor
Downtime: None
Environments for Testing: Sand 10 (code update EOD 10/16/2018), POS-Sandbox 8.7.0, AC-Sandbox 8.7.0
ACME Sales (POS)
- Speed up survey ZIP code entry
- When prompted for the survey ZIP code, agents are now able to start typing the ZIP without first selecting the field.
Web Sales (B2C)
- B2C: My Membership page lists multiple IDs
- Updated the label from "ID" to "Barcode ID" to clearly differentiate it from the Membership ID on the My Membership page.
Back Office (B2B)
- Support for Contact emails with apostrophes
- Email address contacts, which include apostrophes, are now supported.
- Email address contacts, which include apostrophes, are now supported.
ACME Sales (POS)
- Checkout screen doesn't revert to current date after a future dated sale
- Following the placement of each order, the screen returns to today's date.
- Ticket reservations are not released when canceling an order
- Canceled POS cart inventory is immediately released and added back to the capacity of an event. It no longer takes 10 minutes for canceled inventory to be released.
- Converting $0 tickets to membership not applying payment
- Fixed a bug where $0 tickets could be converted to a membership at the wrong value. Conversion is now blocked in this scenario.
Web Sales (B2C)
- An issue with Purchase Availability set to stop 72 hours in advance, blocking B2C sales
- It is now possible to stop sales "x hours" prior to an event. (Hours defined by you.)
Back Office (B2B)
- Indefinite spinner when creating an Organization Order with a one-time event in the past
- An error message will be displayed that the event date and time must be a future date and time.
Import/Export Tool
Back Office (B2B)
- Users can now Import a list of Organization Categories along with the list of Organizations via the Import/Export tool.
- Previously, we only supported the following categories “Reseller, Group Buyer, and Corp. Membership”. Now, any category name can be uploaded and applied to organizations and the organizations will show accordingly in backoffice.
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