2018 ACME 7.1.0

2018 ACME 7.1.0

7.1.0 Product Release

Production Release Date: Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Platforms: B2C, B2B & POS

ACME Sales App Version: 7.1.0

Sandbox Environment for Testing: Sand 10 (code refresh was applied on 1/30/18)



  • Configure how Events are displayed: Now, you can specify the order in which published Events are displayed on your B2C site. This means that you can have Events display according to popularity, price, or any way you’d like. To enable this, in the Back Office go to Settings → Administration. Under the “B2C” tab, toggle “Honor event template display order in list view" to YES. To change the display order, in the Back Office, go to Events → Event Templates. Next to “Create Template” in the upper right there will be a down arrow. Click that, then choose “Edit Display Order”. You will be brought to a page on which you can drag Templates into a new order, or use the up and down arrows next to each Template to give each one a number that will determine its place. ("1" will display first, "2" will display second, and so on.) To save this new order, click “Save Changes” at the top of the page.


  • Gift Memberships: POS agents can now sell gift memberships to verified members. After looking up a member and tapping "Transact", the agent can select a membership and have the member purchase it as a gift. The member's ID and information will be saved on the order for reporting purposes.

Other Enhancements

  • Membership Cancellations: You can now set membership cancellations to take effect immediately. Previously the options were either "end of the current day" or "end of the month". If you set cancellation to take place immediately, POS agents can sell a different membership to the same member (via a rejoin) right away, as the system will no longer see a conflict with an existing membership.

  • Rebooking with Coupons: When rebooking an event, coupons used on the original purchase will be automatically applied to the rebooked event (as long as the coupons are still valid). If the new ticket costs less or more, a refund or charge will be applied. If the new ticket price is the same, the rebook will not require payment.
  • Upgrading Memberships That Originated Outside of ACME: Venues using Raiser’s Edge can now allow members to purchase membership upgrades during their current membership term. The member pays the difference between the current and the new level. To enable this option, go to “Administration” in the Back Office”, locate the toggle "Enable Upgrades for Memberships that Originated Outside of ACME", and set to “YES”. If the member's current offering contains multiple price points, the membership will not able to be upgraded.
  • Salesforce Integration: ACME now integrates even better with Salesforce. Now, when you merge Accounts or Contact records using Salesforce's default merge function, the customer or organization records will also merge (or update) in ACME.
  • Discounts in Salesforce: Now you can use discount codes when purchasing memberships in Salesforce.

Bug fixes 

  • Landscape Mode: When viewing the online website in landscape mode, the menu was not appearing. Menu options are now tied to browser resolution, not device, so they will always be presented properly.
  • Signature Slip: When a ticket was added to an existing organization order with an open balance, the signature slip was displaying the original total, not the new total. This is now resolved.
  • Combo Events: The B2C site was not allowing customers to add combo events to their carts. This has been fixed. 
  • Expiration Configuration in Back Office: When manually adjusting the expiration date on an Order in the Back Office, the new expiration date was not being saved. This has been fixed.
  • Credit Cards in Back Office: When paying with a credit card in the Back Office, if a user entered an incorrect address and was asked to fix the error, after the correct address was entered the system would not allow the transaction to continue. Now things continue normally after the address is corrected.
  • Memberships in Raiser’s Edge: Previously, if a card was removed from a membership in Raiser’s Edge, that card would not be removed in ACME. Now ACME removes cards that are listed only in ACME and not also in Raiser’s Edge.
  • POS:
    • When modifying a membership, information from the membership record was incorrectly disappearing if the agent tapped “Cancel” instead of “OK”. Now tapping “Cancel” leaves the existing information in the membership record, while tapping “OK” saves any changes that are entered.
    • When an agent attempted to modify a pending membership (i.e. one that begins or renews on a date in the future), the iPad was shifting into offline mode. Now the user can still not modify a pending membership, but the iPad will not go into offline mode.
    • In some situations, scanned member cards from updated memberships would improperly show a membership as inactive. New or updated membership cards are now properly associated with current membership records, and scans work as expected.

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