2018 ACME 8.4.0
8.4.0 Product Release
Production Release Date: Tuesday, August 21, 2018, Beginning at 6:30 pm PDT
Platforms: B2B, POS
POS Version: 8.4.0
Release Type: Minor
Downtime: None
Sandbox Environment for Testing: Sand 10, POS-Sandbox 8.4.0 (code refresh applied on 8/14/18)
B2B Membership: Edit existing addresses when renewing - In the Backoffice membership renew flow, you can now edit existing addresses, instead of creating new ones, to update information on membership cardholders.
POS: Refunds on orders where the payment method is Gift Card - When refunding an order paid with a Gift Card, it will now accurately reflect in the Transactions report (same as done for Check and Voucher payments).
POS/B2B: Unable to update orders that use a price list with a deleted ticket category - If a ticket category was deleted, it was not possible to update Orders with a price list that originally included that ticket category.
For example:
- Order for 2 Adult and 2 Child tickets
- The price list has Adult, Child, and Senior
- The ticket category "Senior" is deleted
If you then try to modify the Order (e.g. change ticket quantities, check in tickets at POS, etc), it would not work. This has been resolved so that Orders in this specific scenario can be updated.
B2B: Resource requests at the Schedule level not always saved to the Event Instances - Changes to resource assignments at the schedule level were not flowing to the event instances. For a multi-day schedule, if a Resource request for the "first/last instance" is changed to occur "every instance" and the template is published, it will now correctly show up for every instance.
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