2018 ACME 7.0.0

2018 ACME 7.0.0

7.0 Product Release

Production Release Date: Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Platforms: B2C, B2B & POS

ACME Sales App Version: 7.0

Sandbox Environment for Testing: Sand 10

508 (Accessibility) Compliance

  • Images in the Back Office now include alt tags and titles, for better screen reader accessibility.
  • Grids now display more information when a user selects an item or a row. On some grids, a small arrow will appear, pointing to the selected row. Grids with cell selection enabled become bold when selected.
  • Forms now highlight consistently. Form submissions show their responses regardless of the scroll position on the page. Error messages at the top of forms now indicate the fields that require correction.


Back Office

  • Reports: When generating Reports, you can now specify start and end times for data. For example, you can retrieve data for tickets sold between 11am and 2pm on a specific date. If your report spans multiple days, you can specify the start time for the first day and end time for last day.
  • Ticket Expiration: A ticket’s expiration date can now be tied to either the Event Start Date or the ticket’s Purchase Date. If you change this setting in an Event Template and publish, the new setting will immediately apply to all tickets, including tickets purchased prior to your change. You can find this option in Event Template › Pricing › Ticket access control.  
  • Favicons: Favicons in Back Office browser windows now help you differentiate between production and sandbox testing. The display of these small icons varies by browser.


  • Events List: Improved layout now better aligns image with text.
  • Performance Improvements: Work on the platform has improved performance 15-20% for B2C flows. Future phases will include UI work targeting specific flows and pain points. 

POS Checkout Improvements

  • Improved flow: For Events that are configured to collect customer information, orders of $0 will now take you directly to the customer form, instead of requiring you to press Cash first.
  • Credit Card Security: If changes are made to a cart after the customer’s credit card has been swiped, the POS now requires the card to be swiped again.
  • Animation while printing: In the Order Summary view, POS now shows a loading animation on the buttons while printing is in progress. This prevents the user from accidentally printing more than one receipt or ticket.

Bug fixes                                                 

  • Punctuation: Previously, if an Organization’s name contained apostrophes, rescheduled events would not show the correct date in Event Details, Order Details, and Email confirmations. This has been resolved, and Organization names can have apostrophes without issue. 
  • Custom Events: Custom Events now inherit prices from their Event Template or Schedule (as they should), instead of the Pricelist; price changes in Template or Schedule now update in the Custom Event.
  • Coupons and Membership Discounts: When Coupons are added on top of Membership discounts, the POS and paper receipts now clearly communicate the price before the discount and the discounted amount.
  • Email Confirmation: Email Confirmations for rescheduled Custom Events now list the new rescheduled date, not the original date.
  • Address Verification: Fixed an issue in which credit card transactions were being declined when AVS is set to require only a zip code.
  • Replacing tickets: The POS now allows users to revise an existing order, adding a new ticket and removing an equal value ticket from the order, without having to refund both and begin a new order.
  • Forms: Printer-friendly view of forms now displays all data.
  • Reports: Fixed an issue in which Orders that have not been paid are pulled up as PartiallyPaid.
  • Printing:
    • Resolved an issue in which receipts were occasionally printed without order information.
    • The POS no longer disconnects from the Zebra printer when idle.
    • When a POS terminal is configured with an IP Boca printer, when switching to Bluetooth you can now remove the printer’s IP address.

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