2020 ACME 11.4.3 HOTFIX

2020 ACME 11.4.3 HOTFIX

11.4.3 Hotfix 

Production Release Date: Monday, May 11, 2020 beginning at 5:00 pm PT

Platforms: B2B, B2C

Release Type: Hotfix

Downtime: None

Environments for Testing: Sand 10 (code updated EOD on 5/11/2020)

Enhanced Features!

eCommerce (B2C) Donations

Custom donation messaging for every use case and audience

This feature will allow you to configure different content on the eCommerce (B2C) donation page and donation widget, for as many scenarios as you can envision. For example, when planning your email marketing campaigns and appeals, you will now be able to tailor the message on the B2C donation page and donation widget to match the messaging in your emails. 

By using query parameters in the links you send (e.g. '?text=xxxx'), your tailored messages will appear for:

  • Each appeal you send out, allowing for custom landing pages tailored to the audience.
  • Each link you program from your website, allowing for the content on the donations page to match the content on your site.

The sky is the limit with what's possible! Checkout some examples below.

Default Messaging

Messaging catered to an appeal during closure

Messaging catered to an appeal upon reopening

Additionally, you can include a campaign, appeal and/or fund as a query parameter in your marketing link so the user doesn't have to select anything when donating online.

Example: https://buy/acmeticketing.com/donate/000?campaign=10001&appeal=10020&fund=10003

The values you define will be automatically saved into ACME reporting for each donation submitted via that link.  

Tie it all together

You can use any combination of these query parameters to optimize the experience for donors in your email marketing campaigns.

  • Text
  • Campaign
  • Appeal
  • Fund

For example, let's say you have a COVID-19 reopening appeal to donors over 55 and want to customize the donation messaging to request their continued support and assure them of the measures you are taking to safely reopen. Simply include the query parameters for your Appeal and Text in the link you send. 

Track via Google Analytics

For those using Google Analytics (GA), the links you send in marketing emails will automatically feed into your GA tracking data as donors click through and view online.

Learn more

Check out our support documentation articles to learn how to configure all of these options.

If you need any help with the configuration, contact support@acmeticketing.com and we will be happy to assist.

Watch the Donations Webinar

If the video above does not work, use this link to view our webinar.


eCommerce (B2C)

  • Donation amounts $1,000.00 or greater are not displaying correctly
    • This display issue has been fixed.
    • In addition, all whole dollar amounts will display without the cents for a cleaner look.

Back Office (B2B)

  • Unable to edit ticket quantities on an order for a cancelled event
    • When selecting Edit Order, the ticket quantities were not editable for any cancelled events on that Order. This has been resolved. 

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

There have been recent updates made to the GDPR Policy. Please read the article below to see how ACME is staying in compliance with these updates.

New Knowledge Articles!

Learn more about ACME features with how-to guides and helpful videos. Here is what we've added and updated in our Support knowledge base this week:

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