2017 ACME 6.0.0 Release

2017 ACME 6.0.0 Release

6.0.0 Product Release

Production Release Date: Tuesday, December 12th, 2017

Platforms: B2C, B2B & POS

Sandbox Environment for Testing: Sand 10

Auxiliary Memberships

Purchase or renew multiple memberships in the same cart

When purchasing memberships online, customers can now purchase regular and auxiliary memberships at the same time. Customers can also purchase multiple gift memberships in the same order, and can renew multiple memberships in the same order.

To purchase or renew an auxiliary membership, members must already have a valid regular membership, or add a regular membership to the same cart.

If customers also add tickets to the cart, those tickets will receive the discounts associated with the membership(s) in the cart.

Venues not using auxiliary memberships can still take advantage of this feature, as users can now add multiple gift memberships to the same cart.  

Group Sales (B2B)

Add new Contacts to Organizations while creating Organization Orders

When creating an Organization Order, you can now add a new Contact to the Organization without having to leave the Order. In the Order Contact dropdown, simply tap “+ New Contact”. The contact will be automatically added to the Organization’s record in the Back Office. In the order, the new contact will be selected as the Order Contact (you can edit this, if you want). This feature is also available when Editing an Order.

POS Improvements

When adding or editing tickets, the POS now displays the Event Name, Time, and Price per ticket. This happens for new Orders and in Order Management.

Bug Fixes

Reports: Ticket Analytics Reports now properly display Contact first name and last name for both old and new orders. 

B2C: Open Hours on Events in the B2C now correspond to the Open Hours set in “Company Profile” in the Back Office.

POS: When using “Test Print” feature on the POS, the cash drawer now kicks as expected.

Back Office Sales: When processing payment for an Organization Order that was set up for deferred payment, the order balance now shows correctly as $0.

Membership Orders: When a customer purchases a membership renewal that is set to start on the date of the order, the benefits of that membership now apply to the other elements (tickets, donations, add-ons) in the cart. 


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