9.5.0 Product Release

Production Release Date: Tuesday, April 2, 2019, Beginning at 6:30 pm PDT

Platforms: B2B, B2C, Salesforce, Apple Certificate

Release Type: Minor

Downtime: None

Environments for Testing: Sand 10 (code update on 3/26/2019)


Backoffice (B2B) 

Online (B2C)


When adding a payment to an existing order (All Orders, Individual or Org Orders):

1. Transaction-level:

-Email/Phone for billing contact is saved to transaction table (in addition to name)

-Address for billing contact is saved to transaction table

2. Order Level: The UI is optimized for only 1 order at a time, yet payment can be deferred or there can be multiple payments.

-Deferred payment:The order may not have any payment/billing contact on creation. This results in the Billing Contact at the Order level being blank. When the first payment is later taken, clients are expecting that Billing contact to show on the Order (similar to how the payment method updates in the Payment Information)

-Split payment:The order will have multiple payments & the billing contacts could potentially be different

Apple Certificate Update 


