You have told us about critical issues you have experienced with our product, and we have listened. We wanted to let you know that we have reorganized and created a dedicated team to resolve top issues. We call this our SWAT team. This team takes the top issues, fixes them fast, and produces 'Near-Zero Downtime' releases called HOTFIXES. This wiki will serve as your source for what issues are contained in each HOTFIX. Additionally, you can expect direct notification from your CSM just ahead of the release if there are critical items related to your organization.

<html xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"
<title>HOTFIX_4 (JIRA)</title>
<style type="text/css">
table {
    margin: 0px;
    font-size: 12px;
    font-family: Arial, sans-serif;

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" Content="application/; charset=UTF-8">
<!-- JRA-7598 - ensure fields (e.g. description) occupy only one cell - even fields containing newlines. -->
Vertical align all cells to the top, in order to align all issue rows of issuetable to the top,
since Excel does not use or save the css files it is hardcoded here.
margin:.25in .25in .5in .25in;
mso-footer-data:"&R&P of &N";

td.status {
    mso-style-parent: "";
    mso-number-format: \@;
    text-align: left;

    vertical-align: top;

<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml>

                                        <table id="issuetable"  border="1" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" width="100%">
        <tr class="rowHeader">
                                                            <th class="colHeaderLink headerrow-customfield_10300" data-id="customfield_10300">
                                                            <th class="colHeaderLink headerrow-components" data-id="components">
                                                            <th class="colHeaderLink headerrow-fixVersions" data-id="fixVersions">
                            Fix Version/s
                                                            <th class="colHeaderLink headerrow-customfield_11600" data-id="customfield_11600">
                            Release Notes
                                                            <th class="colHeaderLink headerrow-customfield_10600" data-id="customfield_10600">
                            API Change
                                                            <th class="colHeaderLink headerrow-customfield_13400" data-id="customfield_13400">
                            App Fix Version

                <tr id="issuerow40122" rel="40122" data-issuekey="MVP-9147" class="issuerow">
                                            <td class="customfield_10300"> POS </td>
                                            <td class="components">                        Membership            </td>
                                            <td class="fixVersions">                        SWAT_HOTFIX_4            </td>
                                            <td class="customfield_11600">      Clients reported that searching for members was too slow in the POS. We improved the member ID search to complete much faster. 
                                            <td class="customfield_10600">    Changed Existing API
                                            <td class="customfield_13400">      Sales 2.8.9

                <tr id="issuerow40573" rel="40573" data-issuekey="MVP-9306" class="issuerow">
                                            <td class="customfield_10300">POS</td>
                                            <td class="components">    Backend </td>
                                            <td class="fixVersions">                        SWAT_HOTFIX_4            </td>
                                            <td class="customfield_11600">      We noticed there was some intermittent degradation of performance that sometimes showed the app in a working state for too long. This has been resolved. 
                                            <td class="customfield_10600">    Changed Existing API
                                            <td class="customfield_13400"></td>

                <tr id="issuerow40634" rel="40634" data-issuekey="MVP-9336" class="issuerow">
                                            <td class="customfield_10300"> B2B</td>
                                            <td class="components">    Reports </td>
                                            <td class="fixVersions">                        SWAT_HOTFIX_4            </td>
                                            <td class="customfield_11600">      Some clients reported the event name was dropped from an add-on in reporting after it was rebooked to another event time. This issue has been resolved. The event name will be retained with the add-on after it is rebooked to another event time. 
                                            <td class="customfield_10600">    No Change
                                            <td class="customfield_13400"></td>

                <tr id="issuerow40950" rel="40950" data-issuekey="MVP-9397" class="issuerow">
                                            <td class="customfield_10300">POS</td>
                                            <td class="components">    Order Management </td>
                                            <td class="fixVersions">                        SWAT_HOTFIX_4            </td>
                                            <td class="customfield_11600">      Some clients reported that certain orders were not able to be refunded due to an incorrect number of tickets caused by the addition of a coupon. This has been resolved. 
                                            <td class="customfield_10600">    No Change
                                            <td class="customfield_13400">Sales 2.8.9</td>

                <tr id="issuerow40955" rel="40955" data-issuekey="MVP-9401" class="issuerow">
                                            <td class="customfield_10300">POS</td>
                                            <td class="components">                        Buypath            </td>
                                            <td class="fixVersions">                        SWAT_HOTFIX_4            </td>
                                            <td class="customfield_11600">      In order management from the POS, some clients reported that selecting an order to edit sometimes resulted in the application crashing. This has been resolved.
                                            <td class="customfield_10600">    No Change
                                            <td class="customfield_13400">Sales 2.8.9</td>

                  <tr id="issuerow41093" rel="41093" data-issuekey="MVP-9472" class="issuerow">
                                            <td class="customfield_10300">B2B</td>
                                            <td class="components">   Rebook</td>
                                            <td class="fixVersions">                        SWAT_HOTFIX_4            </td>
                                            <td class="customfield_11600">      Some clients reported that a rebooked order&#39;s header did not correctly update the event start time after rebooking the new event. This has been resolved. 


                                            <td class="customfield_10600">    No Change
                                            <td class="customfield_13400"></td>

                <tr id="issuerow41465" rel="41465" data-issuekey="MVP-9562" class="issuerow">
                                            <td class="customfield_10300">POS</td>
                                            <td class="components">    Buypath
                                            <td class="fixVersions">                        SWAT_HOTFIX_4            </td>
                                            <td class="customfield_11600">      Some clients reported that searching for coupons and discounts caused a spinner wheel to appear and continue indefinitely. This has been resolved. 

                                            <td class="customfield_10600">    Changed Existing API
                                            <td class="customfield_13400"></td>

                <tr id="issuerow41911" rel="41911" data-issuekey="MVP-9620" class="issuerow">
                                            <td class="customfield_10300">B2B

                                            <td class="components">   Member Validation
                                            <td class="fixVersions">                        SWAT_HOTFIX_4            </td>
                                            <td class="customfield_11600">      Some clients reported that the calendar was not displaying correctly on the website after a member verifies membership status for a membership event. This has been resolved and the calendar now displays correctly. 
                                            <td class="customfield_10600">    No Change
                                            <td class="customfield_13400"></td>

                <tr id="issuerow42006" rel="42006" data-issuekey="MVP-9626" class="issuerow">
                                            <td class="customfield_10300">POS

                                            <td class="components">                        Membership            </td>
                                            <td class="fixVersions">                        SWAT_HOTFIX_4            </td>
                                            <td class="customfield_11600">      Clients reported that membership search from POS was too slow. We greatly improved the search speed so that you can search for ID, Barcode, Email, First name or Last name much faster. 

                                            <td class="customfield_10600">    Changed Existing API
                                            <td class="customfield_13400"></td>

                <tr id="issuerow42009" rel="42009" data-issuekey="MVP-9628" class="issuerow">
                                            <td class="customfield_10300">

    <div class="shorten" id="customfield_10300-field">
        							<span>B2B</span>			            </div>
                                            <td class="components">                        Reports            </td>
                                            <td class="fixVersions">                        SWAT_HOTFIX_4            </td>
                                            <td class="customfield_11600">      When printing an order summary, the option to print in landscape was missing. This was resolved in a previous release. However, it was reported that since multiple pages were not required that in some cases data in the report would overlap. This overlapping of data has been resolved. 
                                            <td class="customfield_10600">    No Change
                                            <td class="customfield_13400"></td>

                <tr id="issuerow42010" rel="42010" data-issuekey="MVP-9629" class="issuerow">
                                            <td class="customfield_10300">

    <div class="shorten" id="customfield_10300-field">
        							<span>B2B</span>			            </div>
                                            <td class="components">                        Membership            </td>
                                            <td class="fixVersions">                        SWAT_HOTFIX_4            </td>
                                            <td class="customfield_11600">      Drag and drop for membership levels was not working. This has been resolved.
                                            <td class="customfield_10600">    No Change
                                            <td class="customfield_13400"></td>

                <tr id="issuerow42114" rel="42114" data-issuekey="MVP-9664" class="issuerow">
                                            <td class="customfield_10300">B2B</td>
                                            <td class="components">  Events
                                            <td class="fixVersions">                        SWAT_HOTFIX_4            </td>
                                            <td class="customfield_11600">      Some clients reported a lower number of event templates available when creating a one time event Organization order. A full list of event templates was expected. This has been resolved. All event templates should be available in this case. 
                                            <td class="customfield_10600">    Changed Existing API
                                            <td class="customfield_13400"></td>
    <div class="end-of-stable-message"></div>
            <table border="1" >
    <td bgcolor="#dddddd" colspan="6"><font size="1">
        Generated at Wed Dec 07 19:26:23 PST 2016 by Ken Bostic using JIRA 1000.610.2#100023-sha1:6987619b1036ba8a5ff920abf2500598e0210b8c.


<html xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"
<title>HOTFIX_123 (JIRA)</title>
<style type="text/css">
table {
    margin: 0px;
    font-size: 12px;
    font-family: Arial, sans-serif;

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" Content="application/; charset=UTF-8">
<!-- JRA-7598 - ensure fields (e.g. description) occupy only one cell - even fields containing newlines. -->
Vertical align all cells to the top, in order to align all issue rows of issuetable to the top,
since Excel does not use or save the css files it is hardcoded here.
margin:.25in .25in .5in .25in;
mso-footer-data:"&R&P of &N";

td.status {
    mso-style-parent: "";
    mso-number-format: \@;
    text-align: left;

    vertical-align: top;

<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml>

                                        <table id="issuetable"  border="1" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" width="100%">
        <tr class="rowHeader">
                                                            <th class="colHeaderLink headerrow-customfield_10300" data-id="customfield_10300">
                                                            <th class="colHeaderLink headerrow-components" data-id="components">
                                                            <th class="colHeaderLink headerrow-fixVersions" data-id="fixVersions">
                            Fix Version/s
                                                            <th class="colHeaderLink headerrow-customfield_11600" data-id="customfield_11600">
                            Release Notes
                                                            <th class="colHeaderLink headerrow-customfield_10600" data-id="customfield_10600">
                            API Change
                                                            <th class="colHeaderLink headerrow-customfield_13400" data-id="customfield_13400">
                            App Fix Version

                <tr id="issuerow41043" rel="41043" data-issuekey="MVP-9439" class="issuerow">
                                            <td class="customfield_10300">

    <div class="shorten" id="customfield_10300-field">
        							<span>POS</span>			            </div>
                                            <td class="components">                        Membership            </td>
                                            <td class="fixVersions">                                        SWAT_HOTFIX_3            </td>
                                            <td class="customfield_11600">      When an order didn&#39;t complete for a membership, it still showed up in the reporting object.
                                            <td class="customfield_10600">    No Change
                                            <td class="customfield_13400"></td>

                <tr id="issuerow41053" rel="41053" data-issuekey="MVP-9447" class="issuerow">
                                            <td class="customfield_10300">

    <div class="shorten" id="customfield_10300-field">
        							<span>B2C</span>,			        							<span>POS</span>			            </div>
                                            <td class="components">                        Membership            </td>
                                            <td class="fixVersions">                                           SWAT_HOTFIX_3            </td>
                                            <td class="customfield_11600">      If you renewed and upgraded an RE-based membership, the customer would not be charged.
                                            <td class="customfield_10600">    No Change
                                            <td class="customfield_13400"></td>

                <tr id="issuerow41444" rel="41444" data-issuekey="MVP-9552" class="issuerow">
                                            <td class="customfield_10300">

    <div class="shorten" id="customfield_10300-field">
        							<span>B2B</span>			            </div>
                                            <td class="components">    Admin
                                            <td class="fixVersions">                        SWAT_HOTFIX_3            </td>
                                            <td class="customfield_11600">      User cannot enable Detailed Membership Scanning feature in Settings ► Administration ► Access control.
                                            <td class="customfield_10600">    No Change
                                            <td class="customfield_13400"></td>
    <div class="end-of-stable-message"></div>
            <table border="1" >
    <td bgcolor="#dddddd" colspan="6"><font size="1">
        Generated at Wed Nov 30 14:48:24 PST 2016 by Ken Bostic using JIRA 1000.586.0#100022-sha1:8faca49ad5049a717f1746c830ae3feb2d99428e.


<html xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"
<title>HOTFIX_123 (JIRA)</title>
<style type="text/css">
table {
    margin: 0px;
    font-size: 12px;
    font-family: Arial, sans-serif;

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" Content="application/; charset=UTF-8">
<!-- JRA-7598 - ensure fields (e.g. description) occupy only one cell - even fields containing newlines. -->
Vertical align all cells to the top, in order to align all issue rows of issuetable to the top,
since Excel does not use or save the css files it is hardcoded here.
margin:.25in .25in .5in .25in;
mso-footer-data:"&R&P of &N";

td.status {
    mso-style-parent: "";
    mso-number-format: \@;
    text-align: left;

    vertical-align: top;

<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml>

                                        <table id="issuetable"  border="1" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" width="100%">
        <tr class="rowHeader">
                                                            <th class="colHeaderLink headerrow-customfield_10300" data-id="customfield_10300">
                                                            <th class="colHeaderLink headerrow-components" data-id="components">
                                                            <th class="colHeaderLink headerrow-fixVersions" data-id="fixVersions">
                            Fix Version/s
                                                            <th class="colHeaderLink headerrow-customfield_11600" data-id="customfield_11600">
                            Release Notes
                                                            <th class="colHeaderLink headerrow-customfield_10600" data-id="customfield_10600">
                            API Change
                                                            <th class="colHeaderLink headerrow-customfield_13400" data-id="customfield_13400">
                            App Fix Version

                <tr id="issuerow33810" rel="33810" data-issuekey="MVP-6868" class="issuerow">
                                            <td class="customfield_10300">

    <div class="shorten" id="customfield_10300-field">
        							<span>B2B</span>,			        							<span>AC</span>			            </div>
                                            <td class="components">                        Orders            </td>
                                            <td class="fixVersions">                        SWAT_HOTFIX_2            </td>
                                            <td class="customfield_11600">      When scanning tickets, the scanner was not clearly indicating it had not accepted a scan and if rebooked tickets were included it increased the probability of not being ready to scan. Rebooking of tickets via scanning has been sped up and the application also more clearly signifies when it is working and not able to accept a scan.
                                            <td class="customfield_10600">    Changed Existing API
                                            <td class="customfield_13400">      AC v2.8.2

                <tr id="issuerow39330" rel="39330" data-issuekey="MVP-8723" class="issuerow">
                                            <td class="customfield_10300">

    <div class="shorten" id="customfield_10300-field">
        							<span>B2B</span>			            </div>
                                            <td class="components">                        Reports            </td>
                                            <td class="fixVersions">                        SWAT_HOTFIX_2            </td>
                                            <td class="customfield_11600">      When printing an order summary, the option to print in landscape was missing. It is now available again.
                                            <td class="customfield_10600">    No Change
                                            <td class="customfield_13400"></td>

                <tr id="issuerow40061" rel="40061" data-issuekey="MVP-9126" class="issuerow">
                                            <td class="customfield_10300">

    <div class="shorten" id="customfield_10300-field">
        							<span>B2C</span>			            </div>
                                            <td class="components">                        Membership            </td>
                                            <td class="fixVersions">                        SWAT_HOTFIX_2            </td>
                                            <td class="customfield_11600">      Deep-linked event URLs with membership validation were not working. This has been fixed.
                                            <td class="customfield_10600">    No Change
                                            <td class="customfield_13400"></td>

                <tr id="issuerow40574" rel="40574" data-issuekey="MVP-9307" class="issuerow">
                                            <td class="customfield_10300">

    <div class="shorten" id="customfield_10300-field">
        							<span>B2C</span>			            </div>
                                            <td class="components">                        Buypath            </td>
                                            <td class="fixVersions">                        SWAT_HOTFIX_2            </td>
                                            <td class="customfield_11600">      General Performance improvement.
                                            <td class="customfield_10600">    Changed Existing API
                                            <td class="customfield_13400"></td>

                <tr id="issuerow40581" rel="40581" data-issuekey="MVP-9311" class="issuerow">
                                            <td class="customfield_10300">

    <div class="shorten" id="customfield_10300-field">
        							<span>POS</span>			            </div>
                                            <td class="components">                        Buypath            </td>
                                            <td class="fixVersions">                        SWAT_HOTFIX_2            </td>
                                            <td class="customfield_11600">      Some customers reported the last day&#39;s transaction showing as tendered in the receipt of the current day&#39;s first transaction. There was no data corruption in the orders. It was an issue with the receipt only and only happened in certain cases. This has been fixed.
                                            <td class="customfield_10600">    No Change
                                            <td class="customfield_13400">      Sales v2.8.7

                <tr id="issuerow40582" rel="40582" data-issuekey="MVP-9312" class="issuerow">
                                            <td class="customfield_10300">

    <div class="shorten" id="customfield_10300-field">
        							<span>B2B</span>			            </div>
                                            <td class="components">                        Orders            </td>
                                            <td class="fixVersions">                        SWAT_HOTFIX_2            </td>
                                            <td class="customfield_11600">      When an order was rebooked, the order summary ticket total was not updating. This has been fixed.
                                            <td class="customfield_10600">    No Change
                                            <td class="customfield_13400"></td>

                <tr id="issuerow40628" rel="40628" data-issuekey="MVP-9334" class="issuerow">
                                            <td class="customfield_10300">

    <div class="shorten" id="customfield_10300-field">
        							<span>POS</span>			            </div>
                                            <td class="components">                        Membership            </td>
                                            <td class="fixVersions">                        SWAT_HOTFIX_2            </td>
                                            <td class="customfield_11600">      When a membership was created at the POS and a member already existed, the duplicate membership warning was not displaying. This has been fixed.
                                            <td class="customfield_10600">    Changed Existing API
                                            <td class="customfield_13400">      Sales v2.8.7

                <tr id="issuerow40728" rel="40728" data-issuekey="MVP-9357" class="issuerow">
                                            <td class="customfield_10300">

    <div class="shorten" id="customfield_10300-field">
        							<span>B2B</span>			            </div>
                                            <td class="components">                        Orders            </td>
                                            <td class="fixVersions">                        SWAT_HOTFIX_2            </td>
                                            <td class="customfield_11600">      For some customers, the Organization name was not loading in the UI when creating an order. The name now appears.
                                            <td class="customfield_10600">    No Change
                                            <td class="customfield_13400"></td>

                <tr id="issuerow40909" rel="40909" data-issuekey="MVP-9376" class="issuerow">
                                            <td class="customfield_10300">

    <div class="shorten" id="customfield_10300-field">
        							<span>B2B</span>,			        							<span>POS</span>			            </div>
                                            <td class="components">                        Buypath            </td>
                                            <td class="fixVersions">                        SWAT_HOTFIX_2            </td>
                                            <td class="customfield_11600">      Some customers reported that the sold count for an event was remaining at zero. This has been resolved.
                                            <td class="customfield_10600">    No Change
                                            <td class="customfield_13400"></td>

                <tr id="issuerow41008" rel="41008" data-issuekey="MVP-9416" class="issuerow">
                                            <td class="customfield_10300">

    <div class="shorten" id="customfield_10300-field">
        							<span>POS</span>			            </div>
                                            <td class="components">                        Buypath            </td>
                                            <td class="fixVersions">                        SWAT_HOTFIX_2            </td>
                                            <td class="customfield_11600">      Some customers reported that the POS was taking extreme times to load and that it was freezing. This was due to a performance issue on the backend which has been resolved. We also updated the POS application so it will allow the user to cancel a long load and try again. We don&#39;t expect this to occur given the performance improvements made. Please immediately inform us should you see this again.
                                            <td class="customfield_10600">    No Change
                                            <td class="customfield_13400">      Sales v2.8.7

                <tr id="issuerow41213" rel="41213" data-issuekey="MVP-9483" class="issuerow">
                                            <td class="customfield_10300">

    <div class="shorten" id="customfield_10300-field">
        							<span>B2B</span>			            </div>
                                            <td class="components">                        Events            </td>
                                            <td class="fixVersions">                        SWAT_HOTFIX_2            </td>
                                            <td class="customfield_11600">      When creating an event from a template or creating an order from an account, the loading of event templates took too long. Sometimes, 12 seconds or more. This has been fixed.
                                            <td class="customfield_10600">    Changed Existing API
                                            <td class="customfield_13400"></td>

                <tr id="issuerow41224" rel="41224" data-issuekey="MVP-9488" class="issuerow">
                                            <td class="customfield_10300">

    <div class="shorten" id="customfield_10300-field">
        							<span>B2C</span>			            </div>
                                            <td class="components">                        Membership            </td>
                                            <td class="fixVersions">                        SWAT_HOTFIX_2            </td>
                                            <td class="customfield_11600">      Deep-linked event URLs with membership validation by email address were not working. This has been fixed.
                                            <td class="customfield_10600">    Changed Existing API
                                            <td class="customfield_13400"></td>

                <tr id="issuerow41417" rel="41417" data-issuekey="MVP-9534" class="issuerow">
                                            <td class="customfield_10300">

    <div class="shorten" id="customfield_10300-field">
        							<span>AC</span>			            </div>
                                            <td class="components">    &nbsp;
                                            <td class="fixVersions">                        SWAT_HOTFIX_2            </td>
                                            <td class="customfield_11600">      Access control has had performance improvements to speed up scanning.
                                            <td class="customfield_10600">    No Change
                                            <td class="customfield_13400">      AC v2.8.2

                <tr id="issuerow41418" rel="41418" data-issuekey="MVP-9535" class="issuerow">
                                            <td class="customfield_10300">

    <div class="shorten" id="customfield_10300-field">
        							<span>AC</span>			            </div>
                                            <td class="components">    &nbsp;
                                            <td class="fixVersions">                        SWAT_HOTFIX_2            </td>
                                            <td class="customfield_11600">      Access control has had performance improvements to speed up scanning.
                                            <td class="customfield_10600">    No Change
                                            <td class="customfield_13400">      AC v2.8.2
    <div class="end-of-stable-message"></div>
            <table border="1" >
    <td bgcolor="#dddddd" colspan="6"><font size="1">
        Generated at Wed Nov 30 14:43:56 PST 2016 by Ken Bostic using JIRA 1000.586.0#100022-sha1:8faca49ad5049a717f1746c830ae3feb2d99428e.


<html xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"
<title>HOTFIX_123 (JIRA)</title>
<style type="text/css">
table {
    margin: 0px;
    font-size: 12px;
    font-family: Arial, sans-serif;

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" Content="application/; charset=UTF-8">
<!-- JRA-7598 - ensure fields (e.g. description) occupy only one cell - even fields containing newlines. -->
Vertical align all cells to the top, in order to align all issue rows of issuetable to the top,
since Excel does not use or save the css files it is hardcoded here.
margin:.25in .25in .5in .25in;
mso-footer-data:"&R&P of &N";

td.status {
    mso-style-parent: "";
    mso-number-format: \@;
    text-align: left;

    vertical-align: top;

<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml>

                                        <table id="issuetable"  border="1" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" width="100%">
        <tr class="rowHeader">
                                                            <th class="colHeaderLink headerrow-customfield_10300" data-id="customfield_10300">
                                                            <th class="colHeaderLink headerrow-components" data-id="components">
                                                            <th class="colHeaderLink headerrow-fixVersions" data-id="fixVersions">
                            Fix Version/s
                                                            <th class="colHeaderLink headerrow-customfield_11600" data-id="customfield_11600">
                            Release Notes
                                                            <th class="colHeaderLink headerrow-customfield_10600" data-id="customfield_10600">
                            API Change
                                                            <th class="colHeaderLink headerrow-customfield_13400" data-id="customfield_13400">
                            App Fix Version

                <tr id="issuerow31023" rel="31023" data-issuekey="MVP-6329" class="issuerow">
                                            <td class="customfield_10300">

    <div class="shorten" id="customfield_10300-field">
        							<span>B2B</span>			            </div>
                                            <td class="components">                        Events            </td>
                                            <td class="fixVersions">                        SWAT_HOTFIX_1            </td>
                                            <td class="customfield_11600">      When creating an event from a template or creating an order from an account, the loading of event templates took too long. Sometimes, 12 seconds or more. This has been fixed.
                                            <td class="customfield_10600">    Changed Existing API
                                            <td class="customfield_13400">      

                <tr id="issuerow38224" rel="38224" data-issuekey="MVP-8178" class="issuerow">
                                            <td class="customfield_10300">

    <div class="shorten" id="customfield_10300-field">
        							<span>B2B</span>			            </div>
                                            <td class="components">                        Events            </td>
                                            <td class="fixVersions">                        SWAT_HOTFIX_1            </td>
                                            <td class="customfield_11600">      Same as above, repeating text. When creating an event from a template or creating an order from an account, the loading of event templates took too long. Sometimes, 12 seconds or more. This has been fixed.
                                            <td class="customfield_10600">    New API
                                            <td class="customfield_13400"></td>

                <tr id="issuerow39201" rel="39201" data-issuekey="MVP-8694" class="issuerow">
                                            <td class="customfield_10300">

    <div class="shorten" id="customfield_10300-field">
        							<span>B2B</span>			            </div>
                                            <td class="components">                        RBAC            </td>
                                            <td class="fixVersions">                        SWAT_HOTFIX_1            </td>
                                            <td class="customfield_11600">      When editing a user group, the add user picklist was missing. Search also failed. This has been fixed.
                                            <td class="customfield_10600">    No Change
                                            <td class="customfield_13400"></td>

                <tr id="issuerow40076" rel="40076" data-issuekey="MVP-9139" class="issuerow">
                                            <td class="customfield_10300">

    <div class="shorten" id="customfield_10300-field">
        							<span>B2C</span>			            </div>
                                            <td class="components">                        Buypath            </td>
                                            <td class="fixVersions">                        SWAT_HOTFIX_1            </td>
                                            <td class="customfield_11600">     Our white label website was loading events slowly. We made this much faster.
                                            <td class="customfield_10600">    Changed Existing API
                                            <td class="customfield_13400"></td>

                <tr id="issuerow40270" rel="40270" data-issuekey="MVP-9207" class="issuerow">
                                            <td class="customfield_10300">

    <div class="shorten" id="customfield_10300-field">
        							<span>B2B</span>			            </div>
                                            <td class="components">                        Reports            </td>
                                            <td class="fixVersions">                        SWAT_HOTFIX_1            </td>
                                            <td class="customfield_11600">      Running reports in the back office often took too long and it caused users to think it was frozen. This was fixed.
                                            <td class="customfield_10600">    No Change
                                            <td class="customfield_13400">      

                <tr id="issuerow40325" rel="40325" data-issuekey="MVP-9224" class="issuerow">
                                            <td class="customfield_10300">

    <div class="shorten" id="customfield_10300-field">
        							<span>B2C</span>			            </div>
                                            <td class="components">                        Buypath            </td>
                                            <td class="fixVersions">                        SWAT_HOTFIX_1            </td>
                                            <td class="customfield_11600">      Our white label website was loading events slowly. We made this much faster.
                                            <td class="customfield_10600">    New API
                                            <td class="customfield_13400">      

                <tr id="issuerow40344" rel="40344" data-issuekey="MVP-9240" class="issuerow">
                                            <td class="customfield_10300">

    <div class="shorten" id="customfield_10300-field">
        							<span>POS</span>			            </div>
                                            <td class="components">                        Buypath            </td>
                                            <td class="fixVersions">                        SWAT_HOTFIX_1            </td>
                                            <td class="customfield_11600">      Some clients on the POS reported credit card transactions showing up as cash. This has been fixed and ACME is working with affected users on transaction correction.
                                            <td class="customfield_10600">    No Change
                                            <td class="customfield_13400">      Sales 2.8.7

                <tr id="issuerow40371" rel="40371" data-issuekey="MVP-9252" class="issuerow">
                                            <td class="customfield_10300">

    <div class="shorten" id="customfield_10300-field">
        							<span>B2B</span>			            </div>
                                            <td class="components">                        Orders            </td>
                                            <td class="fixVersions">                        SWAT_HOTFIX_1            </td>
                                            <td class="customfield_11600">      When sending a will call email, ticket information was left out of the email. We fixed this.
                                            <td class="customfield_10600">    No Change
                                            <td class="customfield_13400">      

    <div class="end-of-stable-message"></div>
            <table border="1" >
    <td bgcolor="#dddddd" colspan="6"><font size="1">
        Generated at Wed Nov 30 13:25:12 PST 2016 by Ken Bostic using JIRA 1000.586.0#100022-sha1:8faca49ad5049a717f1746c830ae3feb2d99428e.
