9.5.0 Product Release
- Order Summary Not Always Showing Contact Email Address
- We fixed an issue where the order contact email and phone does not appear in the order details for an Organization order, if the billing contact provided did not have an email or phone number.
- Digital Membership Card: QR code not appearing in email
- We fixed an issue where digital membership card emails were not correctly displaying the QR code. This issue was introduced with the 9.3 release and has been resolved.
- Order Details - URL displayed for blank values in Order/Billing contacts, causing confusion
- We have fixed a bug that happens when viewing B2B Order Details, and the setting "show customers" is enabled in Settings › Admin. In this scenario, a link to the customer is erroneously shown in place of blank values for the Billing and Order Contacts. This was very confusing to clients, and has been resolved.
- Custom Field disappears if value is removed
- Previously, when a value in a text based custom field was saved to an Event Template and then later that value was removed, the input field for the custom field was also removed. With this release, the text based custom field will now remain available on the Event Template for the next value to be added.
- Audit Trail enablement across B2B
- Audit trail links are now re-enabled in the following locations
- Event Template
- Event Instance
- Price List
- Discounts
- Org Detail
- Company Profile
- Combos
- Audit trail links are now re-enabled in the following locations
Online (B2C)
- Event Image not conforming to set size when webpage is in mobile mode
- When viewing the event list on the white label site, template images were not honoring the pre-defined image ratio when the user was on a mobile device. This issue has been fixed.
- Combo Tickets: When selecting different times for each event, the user was unable to proceed
- We have fixed a bug that occurred when attempting to purchase a combo ticket with 2 standard events on different days. Users are now able to select different dates for the events and proceed to the checkout screen.
- Ticketing page starts user at the bottom of screen, in some cases
- We have fixed a bug where when selecting a date near the bottom of the calendar page, the user is taken to the matching screen position on the ticketing page.
- Billing Contact Information is not saved when a payment is made to an existing Order
- We fixed the bugs listed below:
When adding a payment to an existing order (All Orders, Individual or Org Orders):
1. Transaction-level:
-Email/Phone for billing contact is saved to transaction table (in addition to name)
-Address for billing contact is saved to transaction table
2. Order Level: The UI is optimized for only 1 order at a time, yet payment can be deferred or there can be multiple payments.
-Deferred payment:The order may not have any payment/billing contact on creation. This results in the Billing Contact at the Order level being blank. When the first payment is later taken, clients are expecting that Billing contact to show on the Order (similar to how the payment method updates in the Payment Information)
-Split payment:The order will have multiple payments & the billing contacts could potentially be different
Apple Certificate Update
- We are updating the Apple iOS certificates for the Acme Sales POS and Access Control applications to keep them running on iOS devices. We do this to stay in compliance with Apple development requirements.
- Add import ID to household
- We added an Import ID field to the backend Household object in ACME, as well as to the Salesforce integration.
- SF Membership: Address line 2 is not syncing correctly from ACME to SF
- We resolved an issue where Address Street 2 field was not always syncing correctly into Salesforce.